We are bottling on August 13th so we did another round of trials for the Jordan & Natasha 2010 Pinot Noir. Below are Natasha’s, 11 year old, winemaker thoughts on the whole process;
- Clean & sterilize tools so other people can use them.
- Keep everything very cool.
- Taste all Jordan Block barrels and rank them. Some can be good but we are looking for any really good barrels.
- It’s best to have more than one taster because some people have different opinions or catch something the other person didn’t.
- Think about approaching it in different ways. Try using different tactics before deciding. Mix things up a little bit and label everything.
- Math for portion size, fractions, & liter measuring are important. So many numbers.
- Natasha Block is luscious with a surprising sweetness that coats your mouth in a beautiful way. The deep color is an indication of flavor. You don’t want the sweetness of the fruit to overwhelm.
- Sometimes you have to make tough decisions as it’s too close to call.
- If the smell doesn’t make you want to try it, DON’T!
- Take great notes with lots of detail so you have a road map for what you can do next time, or maybe not do next time.