The Wonder of Weddings!

02 powers grapesWe prepare for wedding season all year long at Youngberg Hill.  The site preparation, the upgrades, the vegetation – the small things that make the Hill such a special place to get married.  From the first time a future bride and groom see the vineyard and the view, there is an energy and enthusiasm that carries through the entire planning of their big day.  Some couples we meet with want everything simple and elegant, while others are working off a list that they have been compiling for years.  They are both equally charming and delightful.  After choosing a venue the next step is choosing the vendors that make the day so complete – caterers, photographers, cake artists, florists – we enjoy helping clients choose from the vast array of talent available in the Northwest.

The first vendor that is typically selected after the venue is the caterer.  Youngberg Hill has a preferred caterer and offers options for any caterer you choose.  Capturing the wedding day through poignant photography is easy to do with an experienced photographer (and a great setting!), and many offer a variety of packages and options.  The spectacular setting of the Hill seems to capture each wedding as serene and blissful, and every sunset backdrop sets a tone of tranquility and ever-afters.

Then there are music choices to make, florists to hire, cakes to taste.  (To all the grooms, go to the cake tasting!)  Take good notes,  keep a sense of humor, and embrace the random craziness.  And if all else fails, hire a wedding coordinator!