Taylor Eason (TaylorEason.com) 1/25 Taylor reveals her love of the 2011 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir vintage, and includes YHV in her article: http://www.tayloreason.com/corkscrew/wine_review/impressive-oregon-pinot-noir/
Taylor Eason (TaylorEason.com) 1/25 Taylor reveals her love of the 2011 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir vintage, and includes YHV in her article: http://www.tayloreason.com/corkscrew/wine_review/impressive-oregon-pinot-noir/
We offer daily wine tastings. We are located just 10 minutes from downtown McMinnville. Come on up the hill to sample our wines and see our fantastic view of the Willamette Valley.
If you wish to have a scheduled and seated wine tasting with one of our experts you can book your tour online.